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Netzwerk für Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft

ISCONTOUR 2020 Call for Papers and Participation

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria

18-19 May 2020



The 8th International Student Conference in Tourism Research (ISCONTOUR 2020) will take place from 18-19 May 2020 at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria.

The goal of ISCONTOUR is to provide a platform where international students and graduates of Bachelor, Master and PhD Degree programmes can present their tourism-related research papers based on approved seminar works or theses.

The annual conference aims to establish a platform of knowledge transfer and networking for students, graduates, professors, researchers and practitioners.

Submissions to the conference should be applicable in a tourism context and include but are not limited to areas, such as:

  • Marketing and Management
  • Destination Management
  • Family Businesses in Tourism
  • Tourism Product Development & Sustainability
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Financing and Budgeting
  • Human Resource Management

Paper Submission and Review Process for ISCONTOUR

Submissions must comprise 12 pages and should be based on approved Bachelor- and Master-theses, evaluated seminar papers, or work-in-progress PhD theses. All submitted papers are double-blind reviewed by a scientific committee consisting of international professors and researchers. Authors will receive valuable feedback by the reviewers how to improve their article. Papers which pass the review process will be accepted for presentation at the conference and will be included in the printed conference proceedings. The authors of the best three research papers will be honoured with an award at the conference. The conference fee is waived for authors of research papers!

Detailed information about the conference, the paper submission process and impressions from previous conferences are available on the conference website www.tourism-student-conference.com

The submission date for research papers is 12 January 2020!

Prof. (FH) Mag. Christian Maurer

IMC Fachhochschule Krems, University of Applied Sciences Krems

Piaristengasse 1, A-3500 Krems, Austria, Europe

T: +43-(0)2732-802-300

M: +43-(0)664-45 48 750



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